The Academy for Nursing and Health Occupations will make every effort to offer students a safe secure environment in which to study and learn.


  1. Students are not allowed on the School premises prior to 7:15 AM nor after 11:00 PM Monday through Thursday unless there is an Instructor present and permission is granted. This includes student organizations and activities. Under no circumstances will there be a school sanctioned activity on or off premises without an Instructor present to be in charge of safety and security.
  2. If it is dark when students are entering or exiting the School or clinical facilities, students will travel in groups. If a student is late and alone, contact an Instructor who will arrange an escort to cars and buses.
  3. At clinical facilities and on field trips, Instructors will always be the first to arrive and the last to leave in order to assure that everyone is safe and accounted for. Attendance sheets will be used at all times.
  4. Instructors will insure that first aid equipment and phone availability will always be arranged for.
  5. Instructors will incorporate the location and use of fire extinguishers, equipment and disaster/evacuation procedures into orientation for the School and clinical facilities.
  6. Students should not bring valuables to School or clinical facilities; however, in the event of lost or stolen items, students will complete an incident report with the assistance of an Instructor.
  7. In the event of any emergency or criminal action, the student will report to an Instructor immediately. The Instructor will complete a report for the President’s immediate knowledge.
  8. The Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Department will be contacted to investigate any and all criminal activity and the School will prosecute, if indicated.
  9. Students will be informed of all emergencies and criminal actions so that plans for their safety can be made.
  10. Students have the responsibility to immediately report any unusual event to their Instructor who will take immediate action and then will utilize the chain of command immediately.
  11. A thorough investigation and then disciplinary action, and termination if warranted, will ensue when a student is involved in any wrong doing.
  12. When class is in session, classroom doors are kept locked.
  13. Faculty/Students should be aware of the emergency telephones in each classroom to call 911 if needed.